Mipel 115
Milan, 10-13/02
PAV.10 – booth G28 and Streetstyle Area

Read the latest news about us. WGSN grazia tu style sport week #Pitti96 tutto sport pambianco il sole 24 ore corriere fiorentino grazia fashion ask a news Connect Facebook Instagram Assistance Returns & Terms of Sale Reserved Area . SECURE PAYMENT SYSTEM Alfredo Viola...
BGBL at Pitti Immagine Uomo 96
BGBL will be at Pitti Immagine Uomo 96, Florence, Unconventional section. Pitti Immagine Uomo 96 Florence, 11-14/06 Unconventional section - booth 8 Discover more Connect Facebook Instagram Assistance Returns & Terms of Sale Reserved Area . SECURE PAYMENT SYSTEM...
BGBL awarded at MIPEL Leathergoods Showroom Korea
BGBL has been crowned as “Most Innovative Product” at MIPEL Leathergoods Showroom Contest. The exhibition-event took place in Seoul, Korea, where BGBL presented its collection to buyers and at the “POP UP STORE”, in the most renowned and elegant Department Stores in...